ADOPTEES CONNECT is a peer-led, adoptee-centric, support group for Adult Adoptees. This group is designed to be a “safe space” for Adult Adoptees to gather and share their experiences, tough times & hopes.

What this means is that we are a self-help group of Adult Adoptees who gather together to share on common themes regarding our adoption experiences. At ADOPTEES CONNECT we want this small group to be a home to everyone. We want everyone to feel welcome and participate. We want all adoptees to feel comfortable jumping in and claiming a space if they would like to help out with regards to leading the group. This is “peer-led” because we will all be leading the group – TOGETHER.

Frequently Asked Question

ADOPTEES CONNECT Lancaster, PA meets on the second Saturday of each month from 9am – 11am.

822 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster PA 17603

Parking is available in the rear. Please use the entrance located on the right side of the building from the parking lot.

Enter code “001” to be buzzed in.

For more information:

Adoptees Connect- Lancaster, PA

Group Contact: Willetta “Wille” Calvin

Phone: 717-844-7669
